F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #7

Hey all,

Had a very solid past week. I’ve largely been continuing on the project that I’ve been working on most of the summer – going through studies to evaluate them for their methodological rigor. This past week brought some examples of really good, solid research. In addition to my boss, some researchers at Drexel University are a part of the project and we’re making good progress – we’ve gone through most of the most relevant research.

On Thursday I sat in on a sort of debriefing with the communications department. Essentially, the point of the meeting was for the researchers to relay to the comms department what they were working on, the strategies they were hoping to implement for the release of the research, and how the comm department could help them with that. It was really interesting to see what everybody was doing (so many different topics from so many different angles!), and the approach they were going to take releasing it. Additionally, current events and expected policy developments were discussed re EPI’s potential reaction to new legislation. Definitely gained some more insight as to how EPI functions, very interesting meeting in general.

Till next week,




fiscs14 • July 17, 2017

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