F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #6 (and 7)

Hey y’all, welcome back to the blog! As I started writing my post for week 7, I realized that I forgot to submit the one from last week. To make up for it, you guys will be getting a package deal of two blog posts in one today!

When it comes to company culture, Eyeota’s is one that I appreciate as an intern. Eyeota has a great work-life balance that considers the circumstances of the employees. This is best reflected in the everyday interactions of the people working here. Team members are always understanding of one another’s situations and frequently shift their workloads/schedules to help each other out. In addition to having a good work-life balance here, there is also a positive atmosphere in the office. Despite there being 40 people split across 3 floors, all the workers are close to one another and keen to give each other support. Even in my short time here, everyone has been nothing short of receptive to me by showing me around Singapore, teaching me more about what they do, and helping me find ways to optimize my work.

I think that in the end, much of this positive environment can be attributed to the use of teams in the office. Being on teams not only have helped increase the efficiency of getting a task done, but also streamlined communication between individuals. People on the teams share responsibilities with one another and believes in one another’s abilities to accomplish the tasks. This buildup of trust has helped establish a sense of camaraderie that has spread beyond just the teams themselves and seeped into the office as a whole.

My highlights of the 2 weeks are reflections of just that. My highlight of the first week was that my coworkers and I took a mini getaway to the nearby Sentosa Island. There, we were able to relax, enjoy the beach, and get to know each other better. My second highlight was celebrating Hari Raya with my coworkers. We all went over to one of our houses and had a nice little barbecue with each other’s friends and families. Both events were wonderful in that I was able to better know coworkers outside of work and they helped me feel like I was truly part of the Eyeota family. Looking back, I’m sure that none of this would have been possible without the strong sense of community Eyeota managed to establish in the Singapore office.

liuk15 • July 17, 2017

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