F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Another Week Goes By

Happy Sunday!

So at Arista, I would not call what we do “working in teams.” Yes, we do hep each other out where we can, such as sharing supplies or doing small favors for each other, but other than that, there is no collaborating on anything. As isolating as this may sound, we spend our entire days together in what becomes an intimate setting when the boss’ son is not around (as he happens to be a major snoop). We are constantly socializing during and between tasks (and this fortunately does not affect our quality of work). We know a lot of each other and most of us have become great friends.

This week, the highlight was the drug lunch we had on Wednesday, presented by a rep for a psychiatric drug that combats insomnia. We got to eat and the presentation cut up the day very nicely. Unfortunately, I do count the hours until work ends because my boss’ son really does make every single person in the office so miserable. The days can be slow, sure, but he makes them almost unbearable at times.

Well, next week is a new week….

araner14 • July 17, 2017

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