F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Flying Time, Georgetown, and the Power of Testimony

When I first came to D.C. I was having trouble imagining this experience because I realized it wouldn’t be like any I had ever had before. Now, after being here for 7 weeks it is hard to imagine being or living anywhere else.

When I started my internship, I knew my position and had a general idea of my place in my specific team but as my internship has progressed I have learned more about my role within the organization as a whole. Though the specific programs at Ayuda are each strong in their own right, I learned that together they are even stronger.

This Friday, Ayuda has a staff meeting for all the programs at Ayuda. Not only did this give us a chance to reunite with staff from our old Takoma office, but it gave me the chance to listen to program directors talk about the work their individual teams are doing. The social services team presented on a dinner where women staying in shelters in DC were able to talk and discuss parenting strategies and effective ways of communicating with their children. The legal team presented on legal clinics being held in the month of July while the language access team presented on new training opportunities we are creating for interpreters to be even more qualified. At the meeting, it was easy to see how various approaches are necessary in working with any community.

The highlight of my work week was seeing Susannah Volpe, Associate Director, D.C. Immigration of Ayuda testify before the Council of the District of Columbia Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety on the “Access to Justice for Immigrants Amendment Act of 2017” where she defended the importance of funding for nonprofits that serve immigrants in the DC area. Nonprofits are very important actors when it comes to assisting immigrants whose rights are violated, especially those with undocumented status who may fear going to law enforcement even in cases of domestic violence.

The highlight of my week outside of the office was exploring Georgetown and walking along the waterfront. I am excited to get to know the area because this week I learned that I was accepted to attend the Georgetown Conference Global Leaders Forum in August. Even though I feel as though I have done everything there is to do in DC, I still have so many places I want to see before I go! I am already dreading the day that I have to say goodbye to my Ayuda family. Here is hoping that the time doesn’t fly by too quickly!

lerusm15 • July 15, 2017

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