F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #8

This week my internship, which has been enjoyable so far, became even more intriguing and inspirational. This week the Dream Center launched the Dream Academy which is a summer and after school program for bubble, first generation college students who need extra attention; this by far was the highlight of my week. The program inducts up to 50 rising 6th graders into this intensive which focuses on STEM courses and prepares these students to succeed in the upcoming grades in order to select a university to attend upon graduation. I have been surprised to see these kids, who can come across sometimes as difficult to instruct, really do have a desire to please and succeed and because of this desire, I can see how the program will be able to aid them in reaching their utmost potential during the next seven years.

I have also been surprised by the support of the community and the pouring in of donations that have been sparked as a result of the beginning of this college preparation program. Each day it has seemed someone new has come and taken a tour of the facility and felt lead to make a donation to help with expenses as this program takes off. I have learned through their examples how much the community wants to better itself and support the next generation of citizens. The only problem with this desire thus far has been a lack of outlets in which to achieve this goal. The Academy, however, poses as a possible solution to the perpetuation of poverty. Hopefully as these privileged children grow up and succeed in life, they will return to their hometown to continue bettering the community and inspiring other children with the notion that they are worth investments.

calvpe16 • July 14, 2017

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