F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

I’m running out of good names for these

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late post, I was having internet issues this past weekend.

Research has marched on as usual. We all bought walkie-talkies, and now use them in the lab almost exclusively- just because we can. There was also a minor war about which state produced the best sweet corn. I never realized that this was such a hot issue. Oh, and we did science too. Actually we determined a potential issue with the nanoreactors not working as well after a certain “washing” process we used to clean the stuff. I ran a experiment that indicated that there was an easy way to fix this, and since we switched our cleaning methods we have had no issues. It was somewhat frustrating to find that a lot of our experiments now needed to be re-run, however it was also nice to know that the primary source of our failures was not something we incorrectly did, or failed to do. It was also nice to be the one to prove this. The thing with new technologies is that the science behind them is often not as understood, so troubleshooting like this is vitally important.


Otherwise it has been a fairly calm week. It still blows me away that my summer is almost gone, and because of this i’ve begun to scramble to get even more done here. I’ll miss this.


Peace out

wineia15 • July 11, 2017

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