F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #6

Hey all!

Had a short but good week! As my boss was leaving last Friday, she told me that I could take Monday off to make it a four day weekend!

I honestly think this reflects part of a larger emphasis here at EPI to create a meaningful, positive environment that doesn’t exploit labor and doesn’t attempt to overwork their employees. While the people here get stuff done, there isn’t the toxic work culture where people work 80 hour weeks and don’t have a personal life. The work-life balance seems to be important here, and (even as an intern) I really appreciate that.

This was also the first time, despite living in the US for a total of 7 years (4 when I was a kid, and 3 since arriving at Wake), that I’ve been in the US for July 4th. Previously, I’d always gone back home over the summer and had only seen the celebrations on friends Snapchats. I made a day of it, trying to soak in the festive atmosphere and positive vibes at the national mall and then, later, watching the fireworks form the Key Bridge. It was certainly interesting to watch as a non-US citizen, and I’m glad I got to experience it.

This past weekend was great as well, as I hiked the Billy Goat trail along the Potomac – awesome scenery on a beautiful day.

Till next week,


fiscs14 • July 10, 2017

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