F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

I thought this week’s topic was exceptionally relevant due to the nature of this company. In my experience so far, every single employee of Pruitt works in a very close knit team environment. There are around 12-15 locations in North Carolina, which are divided into three “regions.” These regions are northeast, central, and southwest. Each team is composed of 3-4 transition nurses and one supervisor. Every move that a nurse makes impacts the entire team. There are quotas for each team, which are called “referral cases.” The transition nurses work diligently together in order to reach their goals, and to try to become the best team of the region of the month. Team work is a vital part of this company, and without it, quotas would not be reached and make referrals would never be turned into admissions.

One of the main highlights of my week was a little different than usual. After following up with a patient on his admission paperwork, he began speaking with me about hobbies. He really enjoys making model cars, but his real passion is making writing pens. He presented me with a case of 12 custom pens, in which he allowed me to choose one to take home. I was blown away at the kindness of this man, and I now have a pen in which I will hold onto forever.

ingrzl14 • July 9, 2017

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