F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Second to Last Week!

Late again! I can explain, I had a packed day on Thursday again! My cousins, Mom, and Grandma all came up on Wednesday night to explore the city. We tried to make the most of it; we hit a lot of the monuments Wednesday night, and saw the Capitol, Library, and museums on Thursday. Even though it was raining, we had fun! So anyway, because of the delay, I’m not at my usual coffee spot. I’m sitting with some friends in their apartment, and they said I could start typing!

This week I was finally able to finish up my project of locating all our Romanian American periodicals. I filled out a “special search” form for the last 3 titles that I couldn’t find. The results for that will come in in 30 days, after I’m gone, so I went ahead and turned in my finished list to Mr. Harris.

While I was turning that in, Mr. Harris set me up with another project. There is a filming crew from Romania that’s coming to our division to make a short video about our Romanian collections. We have a lot of cool materials, so they’ll have plenty of footage, but I’m not sure what kind of audience there will be for the video! Most likely it’ll be used for Romanian academics interested in the materials we have.

To help them, I’m making a bibliography of titles from our collections that they might be interested in. I mostly looked for publications that reference the relationship between the US and Romania, or the culture and government of Romania. I’ve finished compiling the list, and will finish up formatting it on Monday.

Me and the other interns were also given a new assignment on Friday. It’s pretty much grunt-work; we are transcribing the European Division’s annual reports from the 70s which will be posted on the division’s website. We each got one report, and they’re not terribly long, so I don’t expect that to be too time consuming!

I can’t believe next week is my last, it seems like summer is wrapping up! It’s been a blast, though, and I’m so thankful I got to spend some time up here.

mcclal15 • July 8, 2017

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