F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #5

I can’t believe that it’s already been 5 weeks since I’ve started writing these blogs and 4 weeks since I have been in Singapore. Time has passed by so quickly and I can say that much that is thanks to how wonderful work has been here. In the first place, being able to live in and work at an entirely different cultural environment is an opportunity that I am extremely gracious for. What has pleasantly surprised me to the same degree was just how great the work environment was here at Eyeota. I was concerned that, being an intern in such a different setting that I am used to, my coworkers would be hesitant to give me any meaningful responsibilities and tasks. Instead, they have welcomed me with open arms and set aside time for me to work on automating and optimizing different processes that are essential to the work of my team. I have been able to complete one such code and am close to completing two others. Apart from that, I have been given introductions to the work of the other teams in the office and have helped play a role in their work as well.

If there’s anything that I’ve learned from working closely with other teams in our office, it is the importance of organization. Setting goals, creating checklists for each type of task, and other organizational tools have helped to create efficiency among the teams and improve work flow considerably. A great highlight of my week was finally cracking the riddle to one of the codes I was working on. In a brainstorming session with coworkers from my team and the neighboring analysis team, we were able to figure out a suitable method to sort values for our purposes. Being able to work together and discuss solutions truly made me feel like I was truly a part of the Eyeota family and an appreciated worker at the office.

liuk15 • July 3, 2017

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