F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


It’s been a strange week.

I returned from the beach(which was awesome, thanks for asking), and got strait back into it. This week, we were playing with temperature and how it affected reaction speed, in an attempt to determine how w could maximize our efficiency for the rest of the project. So sometimes things works great, other times they smell like they are on fire(no, nothing actually caught on fire).


It was also a shorter week. Thursday we closed the lab early, to go tubing to celebrate two of our teams’ birthdays(well, i was home with bronchitis. But at least I didn’t miss much lab stuff). Otherwise, it has just been summer as usual. It is hard to imagine that 2/3 of my break is gone, but at the same time, I still have a whole month left here before returning to Wake. I plan to make every minute of it count(maybe count twice, if I could find a way). It is also weird looking back at the progress I’ve made. It has been slow, as science often is. But also a lot has happened. Time is weird.


I continue to have difficulties getting this site to cooperate with my phone’s camera(and I think it would defeat the purpose to spend hours solving this when I could be working), so I’ll leave you with this (stock) image of one of our most sophisticated scientific machines. We consult it about the possibilities of magic, percent yields, and other such life questions. http://www.howtobeadad.com/2014/24944/the-magic-8-ball-of-parenting

…The URL is weird… For the record, I don’t condone using this device for parenting.


Anyways, Cheers,


wineia15 • July 2, 2017

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