F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

The Last Week

Hey guys, welcome back to the final iteration of my blog. It’s been a great run here at Singapore and I am nothing short of amazed at all that I’ve been able to accomplish here. This internship has been a great one for me in so many different ways. I have been able to meet…

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Finishing up

Well. it’s over.   As of Friday, I am no longer working at the lab. I cleaned out my station, threw my lab-coat in the wash, and said my goodbyes. I am truly grateful to have gotten this opportunity, and feel like it has given me a real taste of what a life of research…

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And that’s that!

Wow. I cannot believe that my summer at Chicago Children’s Theatre is over! It went by so, so fast – that means I had a good time, right? Now that it’s over, I can fully reflect on how I grew as a young professional and see how I can apply these skills into my career….

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Notorious RBG, Beat the Streets, and Go Nationals!

It has been another unforgettable week here in D.C. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have always dreamed of meeting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This week I had the opportunity to go see my childhood (and adulthood) hero speak in a Summer Pro Bono and Public Interest Forum put on by the Washington…

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Week #9

Throughout my internship, I have been reminded of the importance of leadership in the sense of taking initiative. As the only intern, I usually have directions and instructions as to what tasks I am to complete, but sometimes my boss may be caught up handling some other issue. Because I have been working for enough…

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What I Learned About Collaboration & Leadership in Nonprofits

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful week. I can’t believe it is almost August already! Through this internship, I have learned the importance of creating a culture of inclusiveness and collaboration in an organization in order to achieve high productivity and a loyal base of supporters. I’ve learned that great leaders…

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Week 9

As my internship is winding down, I reflect on the leadership that I have observed often. I have learned a ton about teamwork skills, as well as leadership. Considering I worked directly under a transition nurse and a team leader, I was often delegated tasks to complete from different people. I was often in different…

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The final stretch

So. This is my second to last post. Which is weird to me. Anyways. This past week has been exciting, but has also had the most lab time by far. I continued to have success on my project, but a pattern of reactions working better with ridiculous amounts of time persisted. So I did a…

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Week #8

Hey all, I’ve been making significant process on the asset-mapping project. I’ve now read through quite a few of the studies that are out there, and the team at Drexel has done so as well. We’ve gotten a good overview of the available research out there (both in terms of quantity and quality) and are…

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Week 8

Hey y’all, welcome back to the blog! It’s hard for me to believe but I’m finally approaching my final week here at Eyeota. I would like to think that I’ve been able to utilise the time I’ve been at Eyeota rather well. I have been able to get experience utilising different programs and platforms to…

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