F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


Week #6 is in the books!

And just like that, another week is in the books at CCT! This week was full of planning and posting—planning for the upcoming 2017.2018 season and posting and scheduling A LOT of posts on social media.

The culture of the workplace at CCT is a unique one. It is such a small organization, with really only one or two people (plus the very important interns!) per department. Because of this, everyone knows everyone very well, which creates a really collaborative environment. In the new building, everyone pretty much works together at tables downstairs in the lobby. There’s always music playing, light chatter, and the occasional laugh now and again. We have a lot of organization-wide meetings and inter-department meetings (actually writing that out and calling them that makes them sound way more serious than they actually are!) where we just sit down and talk through things like marketing campaigns, fundraising goals, community outreach opportunities, et cetera. These kinds of meetings are nice and it allows us all to work together as an organization to produce what we’re all there for: high-quality children’s theatre.

In all other regards, I really enjoy the environment in which I work, especially when we do fun things for lunch! This brings me to my highlight of this week. On Wednesday, my boss, Patrick, and I sat down pretty much all day to plan out the marketing calendar for the upcoming season of shows, classes, fundraisers, and camps. I was really proud of myself because I used my excel skills to make a beautiful excel spreadsheet that outlined things like when we want to send press releases out for each show, when we want to send promotional emails for class registration, and more organizational stuff like that. For a reward, Patrick bought Lou Malnati’s (famous Chicago pizza!) for lunch. For 45 minutes, we enjoyed our delicious pizza and chatted about things other than work. It was a great week!

Libby Morris • June 26, 2017

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  1. Ashley Graham Phipps June 29, 2017 - 8:53 pm Reply

    It is amazing how a new office building can affect the work atmosphere.

    As to food, isn’t Lou Malnati’s amazing?!?

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