F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


Week 3

Hey y’all! Welcome back to the blog. Came back late from a weekend trip to Kuala Lumpur so writing now to update y’all about my company and the people whom I work with. If I could compare Eyeota to anything, it most closely resembles a close community. Despite having only been here at my internship for 2 weeks, I’ve gotten to know everyone here at the office and many have already taken time out of their days to tell me about what they do at Eyeota. Each team at Eyeota works in tandem with one another and excel only because they have such great communication between one another. Additionally, my team in particular has been very open to ideas and have more than welcomed to add my input to anything that we work on.

In terms of a highlight of the week, another new person recently joined our Data Ops team. To welcome him to the team, we all went out for a short break to get bubble tea and get to know him better. It was great fun learning more about him as well as enlightening hearing about his previous experience with the industry.

Until next time!


liuk15 • June 19, 2017

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  1. Ashley Graham Phipps June 20, 2017 - 8:23 pm Reply

    I love hearing about the internship, but how was Kuala Lumpur?

    Also, what is bubble tea?

    • liuk15 June 22, 2017 - 8:36 am Reply

      Kuala Lumpur was great! It has a completely different vibe than Singapore’s. If Singapore is the idyllic clean cut. modern, and efficient city, then Kuala Lumpur is the opposite. The streets were teeming with people, lit by warm street lights, and filled by the aroma of food stalls. As for bubble tea, it’s a great drink that you can even try in the states! The best way to describe bubble tea is that it has a tea base (from which you can choose many varieties) with anything from fruits, jellies, tapioca balls, to milk added on top. It is absolutely delicious and I would suggest you to try it!

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