F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


And we’ll all float on okay



This week has been marvelously productive. I finally managed to breakthrough on the project I had been stuck on, meaning that my partner and I managed to get the biodiesel reaction to work! Now that that is done with, I can move onto trying to work with used cooking oil and such.


It is weird to me that it is almost July already. Business at the lab has become almost normal, and I no longer feel like the new guy. Additionally, more interns are coming in at the start of July, so I will no longer be the baby of the group!


Anyways, I am actually at the beach now for a week off, so I won’t post next week. So I’ll share my two favorite memories from the week. The first was when I showed the professor in charge my flawless results after a month, and he celebrated by doing cartwheels down the hall. The second was discovering I had the same birthday as one of the senior lab students.


Ciao everyone, and happy fourth, since it will be a while since i talk next.

wineia15 • June 19, 2017

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  1. Ashley Graham Phipps June 20, 2017 - 8:15 pm Reply

    Cartwheels?!? You must have really impressed him!

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