F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


Week #4

Because my work includes several different organizations, their developments were all very unique and specific to their areas of expertise. Hope 4 Gaston, for example, began as a single service day in the community which offered basic relief to local individuals who longed for assistance with common needs. This individual day turned into a series which expanded upon each occasion, later establishing a permanent 501C3 nonprofit which works yearlong with a Closet of Hope, a free thrift store, to provide clothing to those in need. In the beginning, they struggled to realize the consistency of the organization and estimate whether or not this would be a permanent establishment. In the end, the work proved vital in the community and gave way to expansive actions that resulted in the organization which has now been established. The Dream Center, formerly known as First Things First, was established to meet the needs of one of the poorest areas in the local county. It began as an outreach extension of Bethlehem Church, and grew in relevance as needs in the community expanded. It faced the dilemma of receiving efficient funding to address local needs, and therefore was transformed into a 501C3 to transition into an independent organization which continues to flourish. Currently the Dream Center is expanding with the addition of the Dream Academy, a free after school, 7 year program for underprivileged, future first generation college students. This extension was modeled after Student U which is based out of Durham, NC, and will begin next month to reach local students with the first session of summer school.

The highlight of my week was my acknowledgment of the relationships that I am establishing with my employer and coworkers. Because I am spending more and more time with these ladies, I am developing better relationships with them which is so meaningful to me because the more I get to know them, not only am I learning more about what having a career in nonprofit work looks like, but I am also making more friends. I am able to learn from their experiences and opinions on different dilemmas and these relationships make for a more interesting and engaging work experience. Even after the summer is over and I have concluded my internship, I know I will have gained not only knowledge on the field, but also friends who will last for many years to come.

calvpe16 • June 18, 2017

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  1. Ashley Graham Phipps June 20, 2017 - 8:34 pm Reply

    I am always amazed at the lasting relationships made during internships! There are several people that I interned with one summer that I still maintain contact with over 10 years later.

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