F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs


Politics, Bibles, and Finding a Routine!

It’s Thursday already? Craziness. I’ve settled into “Peet’s Coffee” to write this post. I know, it’s not DC specific, but this is my first Peet’s experience! I won’t be here long anyhow, my parking meter maxed out at 1 hour.

I’ve found a routine at the Library! Except on days when I have the 3-5 pm desk shift, I get into the office at 7:15ish to start working. When I get in that early, the Library is awesomely quiet; there’s no tourists, no researchers, and I’m free to get to work on my projects. And then I get to leave around 3:15, with time enough to check out a museum (or just head home early!). I’m living the dream!

I really felt like an “old-timer” yesterday when I showed a new intern (John) around the building. We started out in the “great hall” area, a classic starting point, and then dove into the “behind-the-scenes” tour. The library is full of rooms and pavilions, all as ornately decorated as the main areas, which the public can’t access. I’ve had some time to check out all these spots, so I felt like true veteran as I walked John to all these places.

I’m almost done with the last of my first three projects! It’s taken me longer than expected; I’ve had to hunt down all the Romanian American periodicals, and they’re scattered throughout the three buildings. Each building’s stacks are organized differently, which complicates things, but I’ve found more than half, so the end is in sight!

I also met with Ryan Ramsey this week, a WFU grad who works as the “senior advisor” to the Librarian of Congress. He showed me the Librarian’s office (she hadn’t gotten in yet), which has a private balcony with the best view of DC I’ve seen yet! We could see the Lincoln and Washington monuments, the Capitol, and a great view of the Jefferson Building. I wanted to play it cool, so I didn’t take any photos! It was interesting to talk to him about his journey to the Library; he had worked with congressmen, on campaigns, and at the Whitehouse, where he oversaw the confirmation of the soon-to-be Librarian, Carla Hayden. Now working as Mrs. Hayden’s senior advisor, he helps her navigate the political side of the Library. Despite being an apolitical organization, the Librarian must consider the political ramifications of her programs and policies. For example, I’ve heard some grumblings, even in the European division, about the removal of an early, handwritten Bible from the Great Hall. People are concerned that she doesn’t value the rarity of the book, or is trying to erase America’s Christian past. But it was just removed to undergo some preservation treatments! It’s perceptions like this that Ryan helps the Librarian to consider.

All in all, it’s been a good week! To the donors of this stipend, thanks again! It’s been an awesome experience, and every time I see my Metro bill, I’m re-reminded of how much I appreciate your generosity!

I’ll be back with updates next Thursday!

mcclal15 • June 15, 2017

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  1. Ashley Graham Phipps June 20, 2017 - 8:39 pm Reply

    I’m so excited to hear that you met Ryan! What a great fellow Deacon to know!

    I love that you have found a work routine and have the flexibility to see a museum on a regular basis. Sounds like you are making the most of your time in DC.

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