F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week # 2

Hey there everyone! I know how much you missed me since my first blog post but I was facing some technical difficulties revolving around settling and working in a new country. In spite of all that, the past week at Eyeota and at Singapore has been a rewarding and fantastic one. At Eyeota. I am their new Data Ops Intern and my responsibilities revolve around organizing and “setting up” the data that our company receives from online publishers. To make things less tedious for everyone involved, I am also given liberty to take projects that help optimize the flow of such procedures. In fact, I have already begun working closely with my other Data Ops team members to do just that.

By the end of the summer, I hope to understand the different parts of a company work together to make sense of such large sets of data and get it out to others. Additionally, I hope to get experience in finding ways to optimize operational flows. One of my favorite highlights of this week was getting lunch with 2 of my coworkers in a nearby restaurant. As we were eating, more and more of our other male coworkers kept coming in until nearly all of the male workers were there!

Thanks for reading and until next time…

liuk15 • June 13, 2017

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