F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week #3

The company, individuals who work there, and the programs that they implement are all geared towards bettering the families in the community. Their hearts are set towards making a difference in individual families, which later on will result in community changes. By showing love through the behavior of the workers, the organizations I work for are investing in lives and making a difference. I mainly work with women who are all mothers and have very nurturing natures. Their patience and humility are crucial for the work they are doing and these qualities make them successful in doing such giving work. I am learning from them the reiterated importance of being a team player and humbling yourself to get the job done.

A highlight of my week was getting the applications for a Back 2 School Drive for underprivileged families. I was assigned the responsibility of entering the data from these applications into the data base for the comparison against inventory. This data entry, while it may seem mundane, was extremely eye opening and humbling for me. Seeing the need in my community and how many people could really benefit from this program reinforces the concept that there is so much need in my local community that I should never tire of looking for ways to help. It doesn’t require much exploration to find an individual or family in need near by, which is why I desired to work in such a field in the first place.

calvpe16 • June 11, 2017

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