F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

The Beginnings of RVD

RVD began in Rachel’s apartment in 2012. Her successes led her to venture into a brick and mortar location, and RVD now resides in a WeWork building in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The co-working space that WeWork provides allows us to network and be a part of a larger community, while still retaining our unique brand. RVD has recently moved to a larger space within the same WeWork building, and it’s crazy to see how quickly we’ve grown. The RVD logo is still on the smaller, former office space in the building, a reminder for how we’ve expanded in just a few short months.

While RVD is incredibly successful, it can be difficult to work with people, as in any hospitality based venture. Clients can be needy, rude, annoying, or stubborn. Some clients refuse to see the value of social media outlets like Instagram, despite the proven positive impact it has on growing a client base. Despite these setbacks, RVD succeeds in making even the most difficult clients approachable, well designed, and well marketed eateries and brands. Also, there is a guy that looks like Stanley Tucci in the office across from us who is always raising hell about us for no reason whatsoever. We mostly just ignore him and get our comeuppance by calling him Stanley Tucci behind his back.

My best part of the week was a break from my normal tasks. On Thursday, I was sent to deliver a cake from one of our clients (Silk Cakes) to a social media influencer. Influencers are people (especially on Instagram- @foodbabyny for example) who have large followings and generate press and interest in restaurants, events, and other outlets. The influencer I delivered to has over 50,000 (!!!!) followers. Here’s to hoping she enjoys the cake, follows me back, and makes me Instagram famous.

dattkm14 • June 10, 2017

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