F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Psyched for Summer

Hi! My name is Emily Aranda. I am a rising senior at WFU, double majoring in psychology and philosophy. On campus, I work as an IM referee as well as a Research Assistant in the Emotions Lab of the Psychology Department. I am a sister of Delta Zeta and a brother of Alpha Phi Omega, the co-ed community service fraternity on campus. As a member of Delta Zeta, I have served as the Community Service Chair and I have been a member of the Judicial Board. As a member of Alpha Phi Omega I have served as the VP of Fellowship and the Parliamentarian. In my spare time, I like to go for long runs, listen to music, paint, and watch Netflix.

This summer, I am interning at Arista Counseling and Psychotherapy. I have graciously accepted an intern position here because, though I have been conducting research since my sophomore year at Wake, I do not feel as if I have done enough hands on work in order to fully understand what it would be like to be a therapist (my end goal). Working in the lab is informative, challenging, and fun, but I am not offered a more personal connection with others in order to help them with their mental health. I am so excited to pursue a career in therapy, and I am ready to explore all that this goal entails this summer.

I hope that this internship brings me a greater understanding of what is expected of me as a member of a private practice in therapy. I want to learn more about treating patients, what goes in to maintaining a business, and what makes a good, scratch that, great psychologist. This summer, I will also be studying for the GRE so that I can apply for graduate school in psychology. It will be a psych packed summer… wish me luck!



araner14 • June 5, 2017

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