F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

History of CCT

Reporting back after a successful second week at CCT! The Chicago Children’s Theatre has been an active part of the Chicago theatre scene for about 12 years now. Our vision, as stated on our website, “is to be Chicago’s premier professional theatre company dedicated to creating awe- inspiring theatrical productions and programs for our communities through inclusion and accessibility inspiring young people and families to lead lives of adventure, courage, and curiosity.” So, CCT offers classes for kids of all abilities (even a specialized program for kids on the autism spectrum) from ages 1-14. Every season, they produce five shows with professional actors, including musicals and plays. This upcoming season is an exciting one, as it’s the first one that will all be housed under one rough. CCT just recently moved into a new location called “The Station,” and now has space to produce all of the shows with adequate resources. It’s still in the process of transitioning, so some of the administrative staff still works in a different location, and it can be a little tough to communicate between the two locations.

I really like all of the people I work with. It’s a unique environment because it’s a really, really small administrative staff with only about 10 people on staff in total. The whole marketing department right now is just me and my boss, and that’s pretty much how all of the other departments in the office work. This is really interesting to me, since I’m more used to a PR/marketing agency with a lot more people on staff. My boss and I mostly do all of our work together, so I’m learning a lot with everything that he instructs me to do. We get along pretty well, and it’s a really fun work environment and everyone really seems to love what they do here!

Libby Morris • June 4, 2017

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