F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

There’s No Business Like DTC Business

Lucky, Doug's dog, makes the long hours better!

Lucky, Doug’s dog, makes the long hours better!

Another week down! Well…almost. I’ve gotten in the habit of writing these blog posts on Fridays, but the Equity (Actors’ Equity Association, the union for actors and stage managers) week is six days. Our AEA-mandated day off is Sunday for now, and that will change to Monday once we hit tech/previews/performances. The weeks are long and the work is hard. Last week, with Inherit the Wind and everything, I put in 75 hours. Somehow, I was still smiling at the end of it!

And now for a little background on Dallas Theater Center, recipient of the 2017 Regional Theatre Tony Award (they’re advertising the heck out of it!)…

DTC was founded in 1959 by Dr. Paul Baker (the man who also founded my high school, Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts) as a professional non-profit theatre organization. DTC has seen the world premieres of numerous works by local writers as well as nationally-recognized artists. One of the biggest challenges the organization has faced is where to house a growing company. They quickly outgrew any space, be it the Kalita or the Arts District Theater, a predecessor to the Dallas Arts District renaissance. Visionary and creative mastermind Kevin Moriarty came on board as artistic director in 2007. Under his direction, DTC moved into the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre in the AT&T Performing Arts Center. He continued DTC’s dedication to cutting-edge, thought-provoking work; created the Diane and Hal Brierley Resident Acting Company; and partnered the organization with everyone from the Public Theater and the Goodman Theatre to the North Texas Food Bank to SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts and Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. Education and community engagement are the cornerstone of Kevin’s vision for the Dallas Theater Center, which is why I believe this wonderful place is so worthy of the Tony. I’m so excited to see Kevin and Jeff Woodward, the managing director, accept the award at Radio City Music Hall (tune in on June 11!).

Robin and Little John, battling with quarterstaffs

Robin and Little John, battling with quarterstaffs

As for this week, the first act of Hood is done. Watching them run it was amazing – so much done in such a short time. Tonight I’m going to Medieval Times with most of the cast and SM team, knowing that once again, the highlight of my week will come after this post. Stay tuned – more to come!

Madeleine Ash • June 3, 2017

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