F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

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So. Last week i promised a quick explanation of what i’m doing this summer. The chemistry bit at least.

So. I am doing research on organic nano reactors. What organic chemistry is, is simply the chemistry of carbon based molecules… like us! Which is why it is important, because it is how we make medicine, and how we doing the little things like breathing and eating. However, carbon is very stable once it is bonded to something(which is why we don’t spontaneously combust, yay), so it is hard to get it to do exactly what you want. And as a nice added layer, ever heard that oil and water don’t mix? Yeah, that’s because oil is organic. So its even harder to get organic stuffs to react with non-organic stuffs. Which is where nano reactors come into play. You can essentially think of nano reactors as a larger aggressive cousin, who forces you to play with everyone even if you don’t want to. They force the reactions to go.

So given all of this, what I am doing this summer is messing with the efficiency of various things like making vaccines, or biodiesal fuel, and am trying to figure out more about how these nano reactors work, so that we can waste less stuff trying to make other stuff, which leaves stuff left over for other stuff.

Otherwise, t his week has been a wrap up of safety stuff, and an intro to more of the lab people and things. But i’ll leave you here with the anticipation of hearing about the people and machines and DOGS I have met(spoiler alert, no dogs in the lab, but why else would you read again?)


wineia15 • May 29, 2017

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