F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week One in Willy B

Every morning, I walk to my internship, which is just under a mile from my apartment in South Williamsburg. I live with total strangers (friends now) who are all way cooler than me. One is Dutch and works for an exclusive denim company (his words, not mine), one is a film producer, and one is a student at the New School in Manhattan. I live near many Hasidic Jews and Hispanics in a quickly gentrifying area, and it’s amazing to see the clash and harmony of these distinct cultures in one small location.

RVD is located in a WeWork building, a company that creates co-working spaces ideal for startups and small businesses. Although each company in the building has small offices, most of us work in the large common area filled with couches, tables, chairs, and these weird booths. There is free coffee, beer, and endless supply of almond milk. Classic Williamsburg.

Each morning, we start the day searching for all press generated on our clients in the last 24 hours. Thanks to my excessive amounts of research papers at Wake, I am a master Googler and find most of the press fairly quicky, although it can be difficult for smaller clients. Every Monday and Friday we also track all social media postings on Instagram for our clients, including posts and stories. This is definitely my favorite part because I finally have an excuse for wasting my life away watching Instagram stories.

This week, I’ve spent much of my time researching events for our clients to partake in and sponsor. One of our clients, Silk Cakes, is an Asian inspired bakery in Queens owned by Chinese American baker Judy Lai that produces some of the most delicious looking cakes and cupcakes I’ve ever seen.

The bakery has been looking for more Asian culture events to promote its products and become more involved in the community, so I created an extensive list and contact information of events throughout New York City all summer, including art exhibitions, conferences, theatre performances, and more.

I’ve spent all of my time in the office this week, but there are always events and meetings occurring that the full-time staff attends. I hope to go to some of the influencer events later in the summer to see what goes down to get that perfect shot for the ‘gram. The days go surprisingly quickly, everyone is super friendly, and people can bring their dogs to work. Win-win.

dattkm14 • May 23, 2017

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