F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Before the first day

Hello, out there! My name is Libby Morris, and I’m a rising junior at Wake. I’m a French and Communication double major with a potential minor in creative writing, and these past two years at Wake have been nothing short of amazing. On campus, I’m involved in various activities, like the Lilting Banshees sketch comedy troupe and Delta Delta Delta. I have loved the theatre, acting, and making jokes since I was young, so my time in the Banshees these past two years has been instrumental in shaping what I want to do with my career post-grad.

I’m still not sure exactly where my path will lead me after graduation, but I’m putting one foot in the right direction with my marketing and engagement internship this summer at the Chicago Children’s Theatre (CCT), located in the West Loop neighborhood in my hometown of Chicago! I was involved in a local children’s theatre throughout my entire childhood, so I’m so excited to see how a similar theatre works on the inside. At CCT, I will help the marketing department with various tasks like social media campaigns and promoting various events at the theatre. I’m so excited to dive right in and broaden my horizons to what a career in the arts can look like.

My main goal for my summer at CCT is to see if doing something like this is what I want to pursue in my professional career after I graduate. I want to be an important member of the team at CCT and make worthwhile contributions that will help the theatre grow and prosper even when I leave for school in August. Here’s to a fabulous summer of learning and experiencing the adult world!

Libby Morris • May 21, 2017

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