F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Welcome to our new bloggers!

We’re excited to announce our 2017 F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipients! Each week during the summer, these recipients will write a weekly blog reflection on their internship.

This year’s recipients are:

Avery McClure
Library of Congress

Daniella Feijoo
Running Start: Bringing Your Women to Politics

Emily Rosario Aranda
Arista Counseling & Psychological Services

Ian Winek
Appalachian State University Department of Research & Shaw Research Group

Kellen Datta
RVD Communications

Kevin Liu

Lane Ingram
Pruitt Health

Libby Morris
Chicago Children’s Theatre

Madeleine Ash
Dallas Theater Center

Payton Calvert
Hope for Gaston

Sebastian Fischbach
Economic Policy Institute

Sophie Leruth

These students and their internships exemplify the breadth and depth of Wake Forest University and its students.

I hope that you enjoy reading their reflections throughout the summer.

Ashley Graham Phipps • April 20, 2017

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