F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Final Week: The Grand Finale

Hello all! Long time no talk! My last post was right before I went on a week vacation…and then I realized I had mis-timed my posts and wouldn’t have anything to talk about until my final week. For that, you all have my apologies. On a lighter note, the internship turned out amazingly! We were…

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Week 9!!

When looking at what I have learned about leadership…I believe it is more than just one man or one women. Leadership is the ability for one to listen to others, and act on a set of principles established by a group. When you’re a leader, you’re not acting on what is best for you, you…

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Final Week: All Done

My first internship ever is officially over. I’d say this summer at Addison Whitney was more than successful. It was an invaluable learning experience and I met some awesome people as well. My last week on the job went by incredibly fast. On Tuesday, my supervisor and I went to SERMO for a presentation and…

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Final Week: Reflection

This summer has flown by. I am so grateful to the OPCD for giving me this opportunity to intern in DC. Not only did I expand my network and gain internship experience, I made friends and learned to live in a city. Because of my positive experience in DC, I will look for jobs there…

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Week 10: Time Flies

Time flies when you’re having fun, and that’s exactly how I would describe my internship with Addison Whitney. I never expected that something labeled as ‘work’ could be so fun. Over the past nine weeks, I have learned a lot about the marketing and branding industry, especially in regards to verbal branding. My internship centered…

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Week 8: More work on Solar Energy

Hey! As an intern this summer I have been doing a lot of work on solar energy! To start, I would have to say the highlight of my week, is my meeting with the mayor’s office on sustainability. We were able to discuss Atlanta’s future, and what the city could do with incorporating more solar…

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Week 9: One Week Left

This week will be my last as the market research intern at Addison Whitney. I’m going to miss it! What will I do everyday until classes start? Anyways, this internship has taught me a bit about leadership. I wouldn’t say I’m a natural born leader, but if I need to, I’ll definitely step up to…

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