F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 10: Lesson from Ayn Rand

This is the prompt from Week 9.

Leadership is a balance. There is self leadership and team leadership. You must balance your leadership between the two. Although highly controversial, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged brings up a good point–you must be selfish, to a point. Putting yourself first in your career is important. After all, it is your career. Focus on your work ethic, your professionalism, your drive. Being driven and unafraid to confront the tough situations (such as asking for a raise, asking for help, asking for a promotion) will help you rise up the ladder. But–and this is where Rand and I differ–you must not be too ruthless, or the people around you may resent you. Connections are key in the professional world. Reciprocate the help you receive from a connection and keep up with your networking. Adapt in a group environment–being the type A leader in every situation may not be helpful. Be aware that someone else may be more qualified to step in and manage–you may learn something. Keep the balance between the two types of leadership and you will thrive.

I have learned that I respond to aesthetics. I enjoy working in an office that’s large, well-decorated, and takes care of its employees. The “corporate life” is what I strive for. Friday lunches, happy hour to mingle with co-workers, communal meeting space…these are aspects of a job that make me happy, because I feel like the company appreciates me. I have also learned that although I do enjoy working on most things alone, I possess excellent and professional phone skills, meaning I can’t be in a work space completely isolated. I’m also good at training, as I found out when I patiently and knowledgeably trained the new intern. I’ve known this for a while, but I take pleasure in dressing formally. The attire fits in with the “corporate life” I aspire to.

One highlight of my week was being invited to a coworker’s party. It shows that I have made connections/friends here, and that they would like to see me outside of work. I’m very excited to go to the party and meet other DC young professionals (“yo-pro’s” as the slang here dictates).

berrcl13 • July 22, 2016

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