F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 8: NWRA Goes to the Zoo

My latest project has been working on our Safety Stand Down program. I wrote promotional copy and created a timeline of Tweets for our Twitter, so all of my own words will be posted on the organization’s page! I also have been the only one who has called numerous members to remind them to apply for the NWRA Recycling Awards, and have continued that task through this last week. I designed name tags, as well. My supervisor came into my office last week and asked me to think about any future projects I want to work on and any skills I wanted to put on my resume. I couldn’t immediately give her an answer but I would like to know more about event planning. So, one thing that has surprised me is I talked to Cathy, our event coordinator, and she said event planning involves travel, sometimes internationally. I dream of traveling in my job and was excited to hear the possibilities of this career. The idea of this career makes sense, as I am meticulously detail-oriented and feel a thrill when planning events like parties, gatherings, etc. I have faith in myself that when I plan something, everything will run smoothly.

I have learned more about the company’s inner workings and culture. The highlight of my week was when our office went to the zoo to bond. We saw the baby panda and her mother, sea lions, elephants, and more. It was terribly hot and humid, but we all complained together. We even went out for lunch that the company paid for(!) By talking to more coworkers and hearing about people’s history in the office, I understand more about my them and the company’s history. I definitely walked away having bonded with my coworkers.

This sculpture was standing proudly at the front of the zoo. Our organization got a kick out of it because the artist recycled trash from the ocean into a piece of art. How apropos!


berrcl13 • July 11, 2016

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