F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 8: Leadership and Self-Reflection

Week 8 was one of my tougher weeks at the internship but in reflection I learned more about leadership on the job as well as myself as a working professional. The first thing I learned about leadership is that you do not have to be “on the front line” to be a leader. This past week, my immediate supervisor, who works with the Hispanic Outreach program at the Center4FVP was on vacation. Monday morning, we received a crisis call with a Spanish-speaking client. Being one of two people who speaks Spanish at the office and the only one who works with court services, my supervisor had to help advocate from her vacation home. The second instance of leadership I noticed this week, was someone stepping up to help out a coworker. The second Spanish-speaking employee at our office usually works as a counselor. However, because our Spanish-speaking victim’s advocate was out, the counselor had to help translate unfamiliar information to the client and back to one of the other advocates. Doing this meant canceling her previously scheduled appointments as well as plans for the day. Finally, the last instance of leadership occurred during the end of the week. Last week, all of the judges for Pitt County attended a Judge’s conference out of town. Because of that, all of the domestic violence protective order hearings were scheduled for the following week: Friday, July 1st. However, July 1st was also the start of the holiday weekend. With the conferences, six of our clients were scheduled to appear in court on Friday and because of the holiday, only one advocate was working. However, this advocate was able to meet with all of the clients and assist their needs. With all three instances, I learned that leadership is difficult at times and may not always be easy nor immediately rewarding. Leadership however, pays off in the long run. Stepping up and working hard can go a long way as well as set a good reputation in a professional work environment.

In addition to seeing leadership, I learned a lot about myself during our second short-staffed week at the Center. First off, I have an eye to solve problems. I enjoy being helpful and helping things run more smoothly. I would say, I personally see leadership as an “exercise in efficiency.” Alongside that, I am also see myself as a peacekeeper. I see myself helping to calm and encourage others who seem overwhelmed. Lastly, I enjoy being busy! I feel most accomplished when I have multiple tasks to complete and am able to contribute at work. This leads into my highlight of the week. On Wednesday, I was able to assist the Spanish speaking client to court after helping her fill out the proper documents. At the end of the day, the judge granted her the emergency order!

scalam14 • July 5, 2016

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