F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 7: Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork

Hello all!

I am back again to share some more information about VCS. This week I would like to go more in depth about our working environment here at VCS. At Vigiliant we take an agile approach to development which means that we divide up a task into parts and then put all of our parts together once we finish our respective tasks. Generally, we work in teams of two independent of one another, but once it comes time to deploy our work we work in unison. I like the agile development approach, but since a lot of the work we do is remote it makes communication a burden. If my partner, Jeremy, or I has a question we have to hope the other one currently has either their phone or e-mail readily available to answer. Moreover, some things are quite difficult to relay while not in person. Nonetheless, we make due and get our work done to the best of our ability.

Per usual, I would like to close with my favorite part of this past week. Now that we are in the latter half of the summer we have finished researching for the most part and now are in the deployment phase. Finally having a week where I did not have to spend at least two days doing research was by far the highlight of my week. I love doing research and learning so much, but more than that I love seeing a tangible product come from all of my hours spent researching.

Until next time,

P.S. You all probably won’t hear from me for a little while since next week is a repeat and the following week Vigilant has given me off for a vacation with my family.

flahkj15 • July 4, 2016

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