F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 6: C4FVP Culture

Week 6 at the internship has been the busiest week yet! My days were very long, learning experiences! On Monday, I ventured to Martin County, almost forty minutes away from Greenville. The Martin County courthouse was an experience, as they only have one court room for the entire county! On Tuesday, I was back in…

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Week 5: Progress

The office has finally calmed down enough to where I can start projects. For the past few weeks, everyone’s energy has been focused on WasteExpo and my supervisors haven’t had enough time to train me in everything or give me long-term projects. So far, I have been doing interesting work but in small doses. For…

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Week 3: The AW Team

It’s hard to believe I’m already entering my third week of my internship at Addison Whitney. It feels like it’s flying by already. My days at the job definitely don’t drag on, and I think that’s because of the great people and the fact that they keep me busy! Addison Whitney is a global branding…

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Week 2: Internship

Well, I’ve officially been here a week! How is it possible that I am already an eighth of the way done with my internship? Only seven more weeks to finish my personal project, attend lectures, and learn from those around me. It really makes me want to stay here longer. On Monday, I attended an…

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Week 3: Welcome to the Team

I can’t believe this is has only been my second week. I feel like I’ve already learned so much, and it’s equal parts exciting and daunting knowing that there’s still so much to learn. However, when I try to tell my friends and family about my internship, I always get one question: “What is Verbal…

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Week 4: History

In May 1962, the association was launched. It was formed as the National Council of Refuse Disposal Trade Associations and was first managed by an association management firm in Chicago. In January 1968, the group moved to Washington, DC, was formerly chartered as the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) and hired its first three…

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Week 2: The Intern Life

I have officially completed the first week of my summer internship with the Market Research department of Addison Whitney. And I am pleased to say that I am loving it so far! As I mentioned last week, this is my first internship ever and so I was pretty nervous to begin my first day and…

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Week 4: Wait, who are they?

Hello again! Every time I tell someone that I work for Vigilant I get the question: who are they? I am sure many of you here also have that question and to answer that question is the goal of my post today. Vigilant is a defense contractor that focuses on cyber security. They receive contracts…

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Week 5: Intern Update

Week 5 has been a very exciting one! On Monday, I finished up work with our cell phone program, preparing the phones to be shipped off for money. At the end of the day, I delivered a package on one of our clients to Legal Aide, attorneys who provide legal services for little to no…

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Week 2: Finding my way

This past Monday I began my verbal branding internship with Addison Whitney. I entered the office with a bundle of nerves residing in my stomach. I’ve had jobs before, but I have never had an internship with a firm such as AW. I had no idea what to expect. However, my fretful thoughts were quickly…

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