F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5: Bees are key to life!

This week has been very productive in my opinion. I have continued on my bee work, which includes contacting restaurant owners throughout the state to sign-on to a letter to the EPA recommending the ban on neonics. I have been writing Letters to the Editor to send to Georgia newspapers, and op-eds about how neonics are killing off the bees.

I have learned more about the importance of bees in our society. Bees pollinate 15 billion dollars worth of crops each year within the U.S and out of the 100 crops that provide the world with 90% of its food, bees pollinate 70% of it. With this research, I have been working on trying to expand public knowledge on bees and why we should be trying to save them.

What has been most surprising is how hard “grassroot” movement work is, and how hard being a non-profit is. Reaching out to people, and getting them to care about something that seems obviously detrimental to our society is quite hard, and it takes a lot to get people to listen.

My highlight for this week, has been during my phone banking experience, and every now and then I will call someone in the community who is really passionate about the work Environment Georgia is doing, and it feels great!

rapidj15 • June 23, 2016

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