F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 4: Save the Bees! And Environment America

This week I did a lot of phone-banking trying to contact chefs and organic restaurants in the state of Georgia so that they can sign-on to a petition to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) on banning neonics, a deadly insecticide that kills bees. These efforts are apart of our “save the bees” campaign that I will be organizing more this summer.

Staying parallel with Environment Georgia’s work, Environment Georgia is under a larger organization called Environment America. The organization is a federation of liberal state-based environmental-political advocacy organizations that research and petition for policies throughout the United States. We do this through lobbying public support in local communities.

Environment America use to be apart of the State Public Interest Research Group or PRIG and decided in 2006 to take control of PRIG’s environmental programs. Some of the problems the organization faces are mainly impart that they are a non-profit as well as the fact that they advocate for liberal and progressive legislation changes. When it comes to funding, donors and local resources are relied upon heavily.

rapidj15 • June 23, 2016

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