F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 5: Intern Update

Week 5 has been a very exciting one! On Monday, I finished up work with our cell phone program, preparing the phones to be shipped off for money. At the end of the day, I delivered a package on one of our clients to Legal Aide, attorneys who provide legal services for little to no cost. On Tuesday, I attended criminal court for the first time. Criminal court was okay but not very eventful that day. Later in the evening, I attended a training on Human Trafficking, a huge interest of mine, as well as an opportunity suggested by my immediate supervisor. On Wednesday, I got to visit our Safe House, which is kept at an undisclosed location. Then, on Thursday afternoon, the C4FVP held an in-service training for all employees on reproductive services/abortion and its relation to domestic violence agencies. Finally, on Friday, I was back in the court room hearing civil cases. That day, I got to meet the newly elected superior court chief judge. In the afternoon, I went to the police station with a detective to sit in on a interview of one of the C4FVP’s clients.

So far, I have learned a lot about what I want in a future career. I have for now, ruled out being an attorney. I know that I enjoy working in a place where each day is different. I have enjoyed the independence I’ve seen at my internship. At the C4FVP, each day is based on the clients’ needs. I have a passion to work closely with individuals seeking help. I am truly surprised with the relationships and networks I have built and created with the C4FVP and in Greenville in general over this short period of time. I am also surprised at how much I am enjoying the work I get to do! I may have found a new career option for myself!

Until next week, Angel. 🙂

scalam14 • June 12, 2016

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