F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 2: Finding my way

This past Monday I began my verbal branding internship with Addison Whitney. I entered the office with a bundle of nerves residing in my stomach. I’ve had jobs before, but I have never had an internship with a firm such as AW. I had no idea what to expect. However, my fretful thoughts were quickly put at ease. Rosie, my main supervisor, introduced me to the office, and I was greeted by smiling faces around every corner. She showed me the way to my very own desk and computer and allowed me time to get acquainted with the technical tools used by the branding team. From there, my week has been a whirlwind of learning and new experiences.

I’ve already learned how to do a ‘creative’ (forming possible name options) for a client. I’ve also sat in on client calls during which the team takes note of what the client is looking for in a name. I’ve begun learning how to screen url availability for names and how to make a naming strategy brief for the verbal branding team. I never imagined I would learn so much in just one week. After this week, I expect to gain a lot more from my summer than I had originally anticipated. I hope to be able to hone my creative skills. Making names is very fun, and it is something I enjoy; however, I would like to become more strategic in my choices, a skill that I’m sure comes with more practice. I still have lots to learn when it comes to screening a name. Trademark screening requires understanding the various trademark classes. Once I’ve gained this knowledge, I think strategic naming will come more naturally.

A highlight of my week came when one of my supervisors on the verbal branding team told me that several of my names were being put on the database to be reviewed by clients. That means that there is a small chance that my name could be the name a client selects for their business/product. That is a very exciting idea, and it’s also validation that I have potential within this career field.

I couldn’t be more excited for the upcoming weeks. I still have so much to learn and practice. I’m excited to become better associated with my coworkers, especially my fellow interns. I’m also eager to explore more of Charlotte and all the city has to offer (apparently there’s a science museum uptown!).

cascnl14 • June 10, 2016

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