F.M. Kirby Experiential Learning Stipend Recipient Blogs

Week 3: Who works at Environment Georgia.

I could not be more excited as week three rolls around! Environment Georgia is operated under a larger organization called ‘Environment America’, and while there are many employees throughout the country, Environment Georgia is rather small. Environment Georgia is ran by Jennette Gayer who is the head director, and throughout the year Gayer receives help from fellows and interns such as myself. With four interns this summer, we have a lot to accomplish with only a little-bit of time to do so. As an organization, Environment Georgia is-at its base-a political advocacy organization. Meaning, the team here at EG, researches environmental problems within the state of Georgia and then researches solutions that will tackle the problems; and with the solutions in hand, EG lobbies and petitions different organizations and state leaders to create reforms.

As it relates to our advocacy, this week we are working on organizing an event in Decatur GA, a suburb of Atlanta, called Solarized Decatur. This event is a town-hall forum and is designed to provide an information about solar energy, as well as to start a conversation surrounding why it is important to push for renewable energy. The highlight for this week, is the work and organizing going into this event, as preparing for it and watching everything come together will pay off next week, once “Solarized Decatur” launches!

rapidj15 • June 8, 2016

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