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‘The Future We Remember’ Contemporary Art Exhibition – Suyash Keshari

The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art held the grand opening of ‘The Future we Remember’ art exhibition on Tuesday, February 2nd. The exhibit brings together a group of contemporary artists whose work focuses on the relationship between the current visions of history and present-day visions of the future. The theme is brought to life through sculptures, collection of artifacts, fossils and bones, photographs, videos and eerie sounds.

Cora Fisher, the Curator of SECCA said that the exhibition “collapses the distance between the past and future and offers fictions and fantasies of what culture, technology, and ecology will eventually become. It also raises questions – how will our futuristic visions appear once they have become natural history? What follies, fantasies and visionary utopias will have been revealed?”

The exhibition opened up on Tuesday, February 2nd and is said to be open till June 5th.The opening saw a host of local media attention with journalists scrambling for a quote from the artists, reporters cracking on the mic, cameramen firing away their cameras, visitors interacting with the artists and security guards keeping a close vigil on the happenings.

Many students and faculty from Wake Forest University also visited the exhibit. “I got my students here so that they can observe something that is different from the mainstream filmmaking and more intertwined with contemporary art” said Joel Tauber, a professor at Wake Forest University’s video art program. (capitalize?)

Jake Orent, a sophomore in Tauber’s class was quite amused to see the exhibit. “All the films showcased here did not have any dialogues or story” he said “yet they had a powerful message which pique a viewer’s thoughts. I am really fascinated by the intricacy of their construction and their ability to get people thinking”.

The exhibition brought together various artforms from across the world such as internationally renowned photographer and filmmaker Tejal Shah from India, award winning painter Vija Celmins from Lithuania and contemporary sculptor Ragnheidur Gestsdottir from Iceland, among many.

Artists of The Future We Remember provide a range of responses to the pressing ecological shifts and technologies that define our current moment. Fisher explained how SECCA was able to find the path of the exhibition through “an article published about a new kind of stone, formed when heat fuses natural materials with oceanic waste plastic. These stones are now turning up on the shores of Hawaii.” She added that “the exhibit showcases the human impact on the environment.”

Emma Cooley, a sophomore from Wake Forest University, standing next to Ms. Fisher looked puzzled and shocked. “I never knew something like this was even possible. It shows how we as the top species are not only altering nature but also creating many new elements within it” she said.

According to the information presented in the exhibit, scientists have now started viewing these stones as evidence of the increasingly visible human impact on the geological record. “The hybrid nature and terrible beauty of the stone captured a profound truth about the present and became our fundamental inspiration” said Fisher.


Suyash Keshari – Story 2 Ideas

I am planning to write a story on the event “Truth Lies and Politics” which will be this Tuesday, February 16th from 7 pm at Wait Chapel. I take special interest in this subject as I am a Politics Major, so this will be a very interesting event to cover. It is expected to have a sizeable turnout as well.

Profile: John Bennett Brownlow – Keshari

“I really like staying in the know and what’s going on in the world” says John Bennett Brownlow who is a Senior at Wake Forest University.

Being an english and philosophy double major, Bennett shares that he loves reading and writing and does it very often. His interest in journalism came about when he started reading the Vice Online Magazine. Bennett says “Vice reporters share those stories which are either underreported or go completely unreported.” He is thinking about interning with them in the summer and in interested in covering “exotic stories that involve travel.”

Bennett feels that this class would help him in reading comprehension and his current majors in turn will help him in writing. Additionally he says “Being a philosophy major, it will be easier for me to delve into the human aspect”

Besides reading and writing, Bennett also enjoys playing soccer and indulging in outdoor adventures like snowboarding, rock climbing and hiking.

Armed robbery at Hanes Mall

Last night the Winston Salem Police Department responded to a situation of armed robbery in Hanes Mall. The incident happened when two employees were leaving from work were approached by a man with a handgun, who demanded the bank deposit bag.

According to the police report Amanda Eversole and Didra Power are employees at the Buckles store which sells clothing apparel. The two were leaving for the day, walking down the mall corridor that leads to the UPS store and Military Recruiters when an african-american man, aged between 20 and 25, about 6 ft tall, dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants came out of the bathroom and pointed a handgun (possibly a revolver) at them. The suspect fled the area on foot and was last seen rubbing towards the wooded area near the Days In by locals at the mall.

The police report confirmed that the victims were not harmed and everyone was escorted to safety as soon as the police arrived. The culprit is still on the loose even after an extensive canine track search. Officials from the Winston-Salem Police Department requests that anyone with information regarding this crime contact Crime stoppers at 727-2800

Daughter and father found dead in a local residence.

This afternoon, the Winston Salem Police Department received a report from local residents of Rural Hall Road about two deceased persons (a 6 year old girl and her 33 year old father) found in one of the residences. According to the detectives present at the scene, the parties seemed to have suffered single gunshot wounds.

The police report also identified the preliminary findings. After her father Derek Morris’s estrangement from his wife Iza Morris, the discussion regarding the custody of their six year old daughter Lily Morris’s was in its early stages.

Lily and Derek, were found in their residence, 5456 on Old Rural Hall Road. The father and daughter shared the same residence. No one in the adjoining residence was harmed or injured

Although the detectives from the Criminal Investigation Division were able to find the cause of the death (gun shot wound), no suspects are being sought at this stage. Officials said that the autopsies are to be conducted at a later date, but meanwhile anyone with the information concerning this case is requested to contact the Winston Salem Police Department or Crime Stoppers at 727-2800.

Wake Forest Students React to GOP Debate – Suyash Keshari

Students from Wake Forest University were quick to react to last night’s GOP debate with the common reactions toward the heated debate between Trump and Cruz being theatrical and entertaining on one side and personal on the other. The lack of positivity felt across the members regarding the current situation of United States.

Wake forest students were disappointed with the candidates’ avoidance of certain questions and the inefficacy of the moderators to bring the candidates back on track. Sophomore Emma Vivlamore said “It’s hard to see where candidates stand on certain issues when they don’t actually answer questions…” Unhappiness was also felt by the students when the candidates made it more about the lax in current presidency and less about how to improve the situation and moreover the current trends in national and international politics and America’s role in it besides a strong military power.

Presidential Debate 2016 – Suyash Keshari

The Presidential Primary Debate saw senators saw the Republican candidates go head to head in a heated debate. The event held at North Charleston, South Carolina. While the Secondary starts at 6 pm, the main segment began at 9 pm. The debate was moderated by Neil Cavuto and Maria Bartiromo. Each candidate had 90 seconds to answer the question asked by the moderators and 1 minute for a follow up response.

The debate from the starting barraged President Obama. Donald Trump remarked “our country is run by an incompetent president,” and Chris Christie said “there’s a lot that the next prez will have to do to clean up the mess created by Obama.”

While each candidate had something to pick at with respect to President Obama, they did not leave their counterparts unheeded. Mark and Trump for instance went head to head, with both offering each other the VP spot and Trump furiously reacting very skeptically that “there is a a 2-4 percent chance of him doing well.”

Alexine Carr, a student from Wake Forest University watching the GOP debate said “it would be so interesting to find out what Obama has to say to all of this” while Collin Stuart, also a student at Wake Forest University remarked that “I did not like their stance on gun control.”