1. Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration this Saturday from 3-5 in the Barn.
2. Senior Colloquium, Monday, Feb. 15th at 5 in Byrum Welcome Center. Honoring seniors with the top ten orations that reflect on their Wake Forest experience.
Thursday, February 11, 2016 7:14 pm
As the editor of her high school yearbook and part of the news staff for her high school newspaper, Annabel Love has decided to continue her study of Journalism at Wake Forest University.
Having always had an appreciation for writing, Love decided to enroll in Introduction to Journalism for the spring semester of her sophomore year.
“I’m looking forward to being able to be the detective,” said Love, when comparing journalism to that of discovering a mystery.
Love expressed interest in magazine style writing comparing that career style to the popular 2004 movie, “Thirteen going on Thirty”.
“I just really want to work with people,” said Love, who is planning on majoring in Communications while minoring in Entrepreneurship and Journalism.
Love said she could easily see herself in a career involving advertising or public relations.
As an avid reader of “theSkimm” and other online news sources, Love remains up to date on current events while focusing the news she reads on subject matters she is interested in. While admitting that hard copy newspapers may be in a decline, she discussed how technology has helped her remain informed and how it has made news much more accessible for her.
Love said that many of her Wake Forest classes have incorporated current events and news sources into their curriculum. She said her Religion and Communication classes actively discuss the news and current events.
Thursday, January 28, 2016 3:30 pm
After spotting a suspicious vehicle in close proximity to their home Darryl Myers Jr., Jennifer Yokely and Darryl Myers III, followed this vehicle in a chase in which led to gun shots being fired. This incident occurred on the night of August 27th on Rosie St. in Winston Salem.
This suspicious car was described as small and black and occupied by two or three black males, with two additional black males standing outside the car. This car was first seen parked directly behind the Myer’s and Yorkely’s home. After the Myers’ and Yokely attempted to block the car in, the car escaped. The Myers’ and Yokely continued to follow the car in a chase through neighborhoods in the area.
When stopped at the intersection between Ferndale Avenue and Lambeth St. the Myers’ car was shot at, resulting in gunshot wounds in the feet of both Darryl Myers Jr. and Darryl Myers III. The victims believe the gunshots came from the two additional men that were seen outside the car.
Both victims were taken to NCBH for medical treatment and foreseen to fully recover from their injuries.
Questions: Who’s home is it, Myer’s or Yokely? Who’s car?
Did the victims see who shot at them?
Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:41 pm
The Winston-Salem Police Department and Emergency Medical Personal located, identified and confirmed the death of Johnnie Lee Reed on the morning of September 25th on North Liberty Street in Winston Salem, according to incident report.
Reed’s body was found on the property of Norfolk Southern Railroad, at the base of a utility pole by a Norfolk Southern Railroad employee.
Detectives have begun investigations with the Medical Examiner’s Office regarding the cause of Reed’s death. Initial investigation suggests that Reed was electrocuted in the process of attempting to remove copper wiring from the utility pole. Wire cutters and other tools were in Reed’s possession when he was found.
As the investigation continues, anyone with information regarding this incident is requested to contact the Winston Salem Police Department at 773-7700.
Interview w/ Norfolk S. Railround Employee who found Reed
More of who Reed, did he live in WS?
Thursday, January 21, 2016 3:13 pm
After having watched the Republican Presidential Debate, individuals in the Wake Forest community either changed their opinions or formed stronger stances on which candidate they see as most fit as the Republican Presidential Nominee. Many students also expressed concern in regards to the format of the debate itself, the role of the moderators and the arguing that occurred.
Wake Forest students had diverse opinions on which candidate came up victorious, however Rubio seemed to be a campus favorite.
Emilie Wache expressed her admiration for Rubio by saying, “I honestly am such a Rubio die-hard”.
While some students commented on the strength of the debate technique of the candidates, other students were distracted by the arguing that occurred throughout the debate.
Lindsay Graham mentioned, “It’s really uncomfortable to watch a cage match”, describing the bickering that occurred between Cruz and Trump.
Friday, January 15, 2016 3:08 pm
Wake Forest sophomore, Emily Lair, from Chanute, Kansas thought Marco Rubio dominated the Republican Presidential Primary Debate which was held on Thursday, January 14th. Lair described Rubio’s temperament as being the calmest as compared to the other Republican Presidential candidates throughout the debate. Lair said, “Rubio handles the questions very directly, I think that is extremely appealing to voters.”
Thursday, January 14, 2016 11:24 pm