SC Primary Analysis – Conte
The first article, “Trump wins SC Primary in a run away”, uses quotes, numerical figures as well as background information to structure this article on the South Carolina primary. The article is focused on the ‘three-man’ competition between Trump, Cruz and Rubio by using voter turn out and figures to help readers visualize the intensity of the race. The quotes that are used reveal the spectrum of the this election, including commentary from the winning politicians, losing politicians and their supporters as well. Some charged adjectives are included in the article, such as “easily” or “dominant” which could potential reveal bias in the story.
The second article, “Black turnout boosts Clinton in a big way” discusses more of the voters behind the nominees. As explained in the title, the article focuses on demographic voter patterns. Although the headline suggests otherwise, further in the article it is stated that Hillary does not receive much more support from black voters than Bernie does – I found that a little concerning in that I thought the headline was misleading. Finally the decreased democratic voter turnout was surprising, maybe a reasons as to the Republican nominees reaching greater publicity.
The Trump article reveals a powerful, dominate photo. Which compares to his leading position in the polls. The Hillary article, shows a photo of African American voters, and a child, gathering stickers following voter. This demonstrates political participation and encompasses them as they announce their participation to others (by wearing stickers)!
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