University Brainstorming Assignment // Katie Dickens
5 key people to talk to if I were writing a story about Wake Forest:
Dean Shore- Photographer, Barber
McKenzie Ziegler- Assistant and Speechwriter for Adam Hammer
Jeff Holleman- Patrol Officer for the WFU Police
Mary Gerardy- Associate VP Campus Life and Director of Global Engagement of the Pro Humanitate Institute
Noel Shepherd- Regional Director of Athletic Development
5 key sources of information:– The student government website stays up to date and sends out frequent updates.
Dean Shore’s Facebook Page- With his permission, his Facebook site would be an excellent source of images for stories.– The historical records of Wake Forest are accessible online through the ZSR website.– The Campus life website allows access to information about clubs, organizations, and most importantly, upcoming events
3 story ideas:
Standardized Testing in Admissions – why Wake Forest chose not to make them a required factor, look at the percentage of students who don’t submit them, interview admissions officers.
A day in the life of a student-athlete – attend their required tutoring sessions, etc.
Look at political involvement on campus, conduct interviews to get a feel for the political climate of the campus.
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