Reflection // Rachel Hirsch
Writing this story was fun, yet challenging. AIA is something a lot of my teammates are involved in, but I never knew just exactly what it was. I asked a teammate, Heather Wiley, as to who I should talk to for this story. She gave me the contact information for all three of my sources. I emailed all three and set up times to interview them. Thankfully, the job of the two interns is basically to have meetings with students so it was super easy to get together with them. The soccer player was relatively easy too, but we just had to work around both of our practice schedules.
Anna Conte edited my paper and really helped to organize my story in a different way. She pointed out how to make my paragraphs shorter by letting the quotes stand out more. Anna also helped with the concept of attribution. I had a couple sentences that needed to be changed!
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