Emily Eisert Profile – Caswell
Sophomore Emily Eisert did not expect to study journalism; in fact, she was not sure if she wanted to attend college at all.
Her original plan was to continue with ballet since attending college would mean missing out on crucial years of training if she wanted to be a professional ballet dancer. However, she decided to attend Wake Forest, and though she dances less than she did in high school, she continues to pursue it at school.
Eisert planned to go to medical school when she entered the university as a freshman, but she decided to switch and major in communication and minor in journalism, instead. Her community journalism class was a major factor in her decision.
“Going out into the community and doing actual reporting, researching, interviewing and writing gave me a pretty good taste of what a career could be like in this field and I still like learning about science, but I could never see myself doing that as a career,” Eisert said. “After taking this one class, it felt right.”
Though she has not decided exactly what she wants to do after college, Eisert said that she would ideally like to do something in broadcast journalism though she enjoys writing, too.
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