Summer Entrepreneurial Experiences

Neighbor Week 2

Monday, May 29, 2017 4:43 pm

Or project has reached a major mile stone last week, as we have started the software development process. Our core development team is based in Romania and is a four-person team with developers specialized in mobile development, database and backend development, front end development, etc. In addition to the core team in Romania, do we also have an engagement team based here in North Carolina. This team consist of engagement and UI/UX specialists.

When we started this company, we weren’t aware of the additional attention that we need for all legal issues. Due to this we have now contract lawyers for tax/accounting, business and IP. Since my partner and I are not US citizens we needed to an immigration lawyer to the mix.

The last core part of our team I haven’t mentioned yet is a designer in Berlin. She is currently designing our corporate identity which is everything from a logo, font type, colors, etc. In addition to a designer in Berlin, is this also the place where our investor is based.

Philipp and my tasks on an operational stand point is to manage out our team and especially make sure they have always what they need to be able to perform at their best. I would consider this part more the operational aspect. Additionally, to the operational part, obviously, we are also working very hard to find markets and deal with potential clients and partners.

The last two weeks we have spent most of our time on deciding what parts of our vision will end up in a MVP and how quickly do we want this developed and where are we going to test it. We finalized on a 3-phase project structure. We are planning on having a beta version released in mid-July a are currently in negotiation with potential test markets. The second release will be in mid-August and we are planning to do a full launch at two or three locations at the same time. Lastly, we are planning on finishing the third phase in mid-September. This release will bring many additional features.

The following week will be crucial as we have schedule meetings with core strategic partners, which outcomes can change the direction of the company significantly.

2 Responses to “Neighbor Week 2”

  1. It sounds like you are already making great strides and preparing for any potential issues before they happen. What would be a challenge to other startups – having your team in different countries – seems to be smooth sailing already, especially because you already have a plan and timeline in place!

  2. The MVP is all important. Remember the secret on that is the word Minimum. It is very easy to start with an MVP and then as you test and get feedback on it, to gradually add more complexity so that you are no longer just testing the key “fail points” and it muddies the ability to see clearly what you need to do. So even as you go through the iterations, remember to keep to the M part of MVP so that you can clearly test and learn what you need to know. Well done. Keep up the good work.

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